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Introducing Digital Autopsy to Muslim Communities across West Yorkshire

Digital Autopsy

Over the last few months, iGene have worked with health professionals, Imams and Community representatives in Halifax and Huddersfield, to help raise awareness of Digital Autopsy. Alongside sessions presented by Health Professionals and Community Workers, concentrating upon the role of Hospices, End of Life care and Organ Donation, Peter Coulson Smith presented an introduction to Digital Autopsy and our non-invasive procedure.

Eden Health is a voluntary organisation based in Huddersfield working within the local community, their mission being to inspire physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, in particular to the Muslim communities. According to Islam, the human body is considered sacred even after death and so the effects of an invasive post-mortem mean that the sanctity of the body has been violated. When a Digital Autopsy is performed, the need for the scalpel is potentially eliminated and this is of course, a great comfort to families, at a distressing time.

Peter presented at The Eden Centre in Huddersfield (main picture). Digital Autopsy also presented at The Madni Mosque in Halifax, in conjunction with Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust.

Although Digital Autopsy is a revolution to humanity, and available to all faiths and cultures, these events have allowed us to promote our service to the Muslim Community after being approached by The Calderdale Council of Mosques.

We endeavour to inform all communities and societies of our service, whatever culture or religion. If you would like to know more about Digital Autopsy for your community, please contact us at


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