What is Digital Autopsy?
A Digital Autopsy is a non-invasive post-mortem in which digital imaging technology, with Computerised Tomography (CT) images, are used to develop cross-sectional images for a virtual exploration of a human body.
Digital Autopsy (DA) simply means conducting a post-mortem in a computerised environment by digital tools.
Digital Autopsy UK uses proprietary software, not a scalpel, to establish cause of death. Through DA we can reduce the need for invasive procedures and help to minimise the pain for bereaved families. By using DA, statistically, cause of death can be established in over 78% of all post-mortems ordered by the Coroner.
DA is a procedure conducted by a Digital Autopsy UK radiographer and reported by a UK based GMC registered radiologist on the post-processed CT images of the deceased to produce a radiological interpretation in the form of a DA report that will then be sent to the Coroner and their pathologists.
Digital Autopsy UK provides a frontline service across a broad cross-section of the UK. For more information on our sites and the services we can offer please see our section on Commercial and Our Facilities.
Who are Digital Autopsy UK?
We are the only dedicated company in the UK providing an effective, efficient, respectful, appropriate, timely and professional digital autopsy service to the Office of His Majesty’s Coroner and bereaved families.
Digital Autopsy UK continue to expand the service into new areas of the UK using the proven method of service provision of advanced, ground-breaking medical imaging technology utilising our proprietary visualisation software.
For over 10 years we traded as iGene London Limited, we worked to develop our Digital Autopsy software. Following a management takeover in December 2022, Digital Autopsy UK has successfully novated across all the contracts from iGene London UK and these are now being operated by Digital Autopsy UK, together with all the goodwill that has been developed over the years.
The development of digital autopsies represents a compassionate step forward in establishing a cause of death.
During its journey, the company won numerous awards and was cited by international journals for its pioneering work. Digital Autopsy UK will strive to continue this good work by developing more centres of excellence.
Funded entirely by Digital Autopsy UK, each DA Facility is staffed by a team of highly skilled radiologists. Digital Autopsy UK remains committed to opening further centres, its ambition being to ensure that DA is available to residents throughout England & Wales.