This week the Digital Autopsy team received a humbling email from a bereaved family, who opted for a Digital post-mortem over invasive methods, through the Coroner’s Officers. We are honoured that the family feel they could contact us with such lovely feedback, particularly considering the difficult time they are currently going through.
Mr. Pokora’s kind words praised the post-mortem care provided by the Digital Autopsy team:
“Thank you for the exceptionally prompt and courteous way in which you have handled everything. I realise you are in business but the way in which you responded was very kind, considerate, professional and caring to both me and my mother.
I was delighted the scan produced a clear result and that has enabled my mother’s body to escape the indignities of a PM (however well undertaken) and the speed has enabled me to make the funeral arrangements as promptly as I had hoped.
Let us look forward to the day when your procedure is standard for all appropriate cases and I would encourage anyone to use your services”.